Practice HORA USA in the Media

The Telluride Daily Planet: Practice HORA in Telluride

The Telluride Daily Planet: Practice HORA in Telluride

July 21, 2010
Practice HORA Article in Telluride Daily Planet



Introductory class on Wednesday


Staff Reporter


Looking to combat insomnia and chronic fatigue? Want to increase your produc­tivity at work or reduce stress?

On Monday, there will be an introductory level HORA class that can help participants address those problems — and more — through a technique also known as evolutionary med­itative practice.

Know as HORA, the technique is coming to Telluride with the help of Svetlana Baklanova, the practice’s U.S. representative from Russia.

The tradition of HORA can be traced back to Armenia where the current master HORA learned it from his family. Baklanova was trained and men­tored by the master himself and she has been teaching his tradi­tions to clients here in Telluride and in Chicago and North Carolina.

“It’s a union of mind, body and psyche,” Baklanova said.

Monday’s class will feature a powerpoint presentation explaining HORA and samples of some of the exercises involved in the practice. To participate in the exercises, attendees must wear flat or thin-soled shoes and comfortable clothes and must be able to sit down and stand up from the floor unassisted.

Baklanova will hold a five-day training next week for those interested in continuing to train in the practice of HORA.

“We work with the body through attention so we can achieve a new evolutionary con­sciousness,” Baklanova said. “Through stability and concen­tration of attention and reason of breathing we can awaken our usefulness.”

The HORA practice has also been described as assisted yoga with a strong focus on meditation.
“This is a different type of attention, a different type of consciousness,” Baklanova said.

Those interested in attending can call 704-737-5353, email or visit their Web site:
2010-07-21 20:21